Welcome To Crosspoint!

Sundays at 8:30am & 10:30am

All of us are living a story. The gospel is God's invitation to live the largest story ever, the rescue of humanity through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mission is how our story finds its meaning in God's invitation to follow him and participate in the healing of our broken world.⁣

What a Sunday is Like

Partners of CrossPoint gather each week to celebrate the freedom we have found in Jesus with the family He has made available through His life, death, and resurrection. The environment is family friendly and inviting for people investigating Jesus. We celebrate through song, hearing and responding to God’s Word, giving, and communion. CrossPoint has a diverse contingent of people of all ages and from every background… all are welcome!

  • Sundays at 8:30am & 10:30am

  • KidsPoint is our vibrant, gospel-centered ministry to kids from Nursery through 5th grade. Parents at CrossPoint can entrust their little ones with confidence to a team of leaders who are committed to creating a fun and safe environment for kids to explore their faith and develop meaningful connections. Learn More

  • Get directions to CrossPoint or access a parking map by clicking here.

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